The Veterans & First Responders Memorial at Fairfield Glade is a county-wide initiative dedicated to honoring our veterans and first responders. These heroes are very near and dear to the heart of every citizen for without them we would not be this great country. This Memorial will be an opportunity for our community to express our appreciation to these brave men and women for their service.
The Veterans & First Responder Memorial Organization is asking for your financial support in the Phase I construction of the new Memorial to be located at Robin Hood Park at Fairfield Glade. The completion of this three-phased project is dependent on community donations and grant funding. Your donation will help achieve the goal of $400K for Phase I which is the center piece and most expensive part of the Memorial.
The Veterans & First Responder Memorial at Fairfield Glade is a county-wide initiative dedicated to honor our veterans and first responders. These heroes are very near and dear to the heart of every citizen for without them we would not be this great country. The dream to build a memorial to show our thanks and respect to veterans and first responders began in December 2018 and over the next year and half a 501c3 organization was formed and chartered with the purpose to build and sustain a memorial to recognize the service of veterans and first responders to our Community, States and Nation. The Memorial will be located in Robin Hood Park with land provided by the Fairfield Glade Community Club.
The construction of the Memorial is a 4-5-year project with two phases, each with distinct and separate features.
Phase I: Three plazas holding the flags of our Nation and State, Military Services and First Responders, including law enforcement, firefighters, and emergency medical personnel. This will include special engravings and commemorative features. Patios and walkways will be installed allowing for engraved bricks purchased by individuals in remembrance of their loved ones or friends as well as in memory of their own service.
Phase II: Commemorative Garden with walkways, landscaping and additional special features calling attention to major events and actions throughout U.S. history. This will be a place where visitors can reflect upon the incredible contributions and sacrifices made by those who served.
Phase I construction is scheduled to begin during the spring of 2022. However, donor support from the community is critical if we are to be make this dream come true. We need support from businesses, corporations, professionals, civic organizations, and individuals, as well as grant and foundation funding.
Would you be a partner in recognizing our Heroes by donating to Phase I of the Veteran & First Responder Memorial? Donation options range from immediate cash to pledge options over time culminating in January of 2022 to ensure adequate time for construction bidding. Donation amounts are tiered, and Donors will be permanently recognized as part of the Memorial according to the following options
Platinum Founders
25,000 and above
Commemorative coin
12” by 8” plaque
Website recognition
Founders 200 Club
$1,000 - $4,999
Pavilion plaque listing
Commemorative coin
Website recognition
Gold Founders
$10,000 - $24,999
Commemorative coin
9” by 6” plaque
Website recognition
Friends of Heroes
$250 - $999
Commemorative coin
Website recognition
Silver Founders
$5,000 - $9,999
Commemorative coin
6" by 4" plaque
Website recognition
Patriot Donors
$1 - $249
Website recognition
NEW: The Silver Personal Donors program is an opportunity for donors who wish to make a significant contribution to the Veterans and First Responders Memorial at Fairfield Glade. In recognition for a one-time $5,000 or more donation, donors will be able to list the names of up to 10 veterans or first responders on 10 bricks that will be installed together, if possible, at the memorial. The donors will also work directly with the project’s leadership to design a plaque to honor those same 10 individuals, and which will be installed as a permanent fixture within the Memorial.
TO MAIL IN A CHECK - please download the donation form, print and fill it out, and return it along with your check to:
Veterans and First Responders at Fairfield Glade
PO Bo 1863
Crossville, TN 38558
To learn more about charitable giving via retirement accounts, please click here.
TO GIVE ONLINE - please click on the "Donate Now" button below and follow the instructions.