The Veterans & First Responders Memorial at Fairfield Glade is a county-wide initiative dedicated to honoring our veterans and first responders. These heroes are very near and dear to the heart of every citizen for without them we would not be this great country. This Memorial will be an opportunity for our community to express our appreciation to these brave men and women for their service.
What is the VFR Memorial?
The Veterans & First Responder Memorial at Fairfield Glade is a Cumberland County-wide initiative dedicated to honor our veterans and first responders. This Memorial should be an expression of appreciation for the sacrifices Veterans and First Responders have made to protect our liberties and freedoms as well as providing for our ongoing health and well-being.
Where is the VFR Memorial located?
The VFR Memorial is in Robin Hood Park, Fairfield Glade, TN on land provided by Fairfield Glade Community Club.
How is the VFR Memorial funded?
The Memorial is totally subsidized through private funding as a voluntary way for individuals, civic organizations, and businesses to express their appreciation to veterans and first responders.
Is the VFR Memorial a non-profit organization?
Yes- in December of 2018, a nonprofit corporation was formed within the State of Tennessee calling it the Veterans and First Responder Memorial at Fairfield Glade. In March of 2019, the Internal Revenue Service granted 501c(3) tax-exempt status to the VFR Memorial corporation, thereby enabling the corporation to accept gifts and donations that are tax deductible.
How is the VFR Memorial governed?
The Memorial is governed by a nine-member Board of Directors consisting of veterans, first responders and civilians across Cumberland County. They all have extensive experience in planning and management in a variety of fields, and all are volunteers serving three-year terms.
Are there any working committees for the VFR Memorial?
The Board has authorized three standing committees to help with its work: 1) Financial Management, 2) Design and Construction, and 3) Marketing and Outreach. All Committee Members are volunteers. There are no paid positions.
What is the planned construction of the VFR Memorial?
The Memorial will be developed in three phases including: 1) Flag Plaza, 2) Memorial Garden, and 3) Pavilion. Construction of Phase I is scheduled to begin spring 2022 with follow-on phases dependent upon funding.
Phase I: Flag Plaza (click here for artist rendering)
As the conceptual design shows, this will be divided into three connecting circular patios with appropriate flag display.
The first plaza being the flags of the United States, the POW/MIA flag, the State of Tennessee flag, and the Fairfield Glade Flag.
The center circle will hold the flags representing the six military services
The third circle will hold flags recognizing First Responders: law enforcement, fire fighters, emergency medical personnel and emergency management personnel.
Within the circular patios will be engraved bricks holding the names of Veterans, active-duty military personnel and first responders, currently active, retired, and deceased.
The area will also have special features with written statements, figures and plaques and benches, yet to be determined.
The backdrop will be a floating water feature with lighting on the lake.
Phase II: Memorial Garden
Located in the area adjoining the Flag Plaza containing walkways and landscaped areas and hosting special features reflecting upon major historical events, service to community and more.
The Memorial Garden will be a place where individuals can pause and reflect upon the important role our veterans and first responders have played in our history.
What is the cost for VFR Memorial?
The estimated costs for the Phase I Flag Plaza are between $350,000 and $400,000. There are no estimated costs for the second phase yet.
Is there recognition on the VFR Memorial site for Donors?
Yes-donors will be recognized dependent on donation level.
Platinum Founders: $25000-and above - Plaque, VFR Memorial commemorative coin, VFR Memorial Website recognition
Gold Founders: $10,000-$24,999 - Plaque, VFR Memorial commemorative coin, VFR Memorial Website recognition
Silver Founders: $5,000-$9,999 - Plaque, VFR Memorial commemorative coin, VFR Memorial Website recognition
Friends: $250-$4,999 -VFR Memorial commemorative coin, VFR Memorial Website recognition
How do I donate?
On-Line one-time or recurring donations: Click on Donate Button
To donate by mail: PO Box 1863, Crossville, TN 38558; Please add email/phone number to the check.
Where can I get more information?
Updated information on the status of the Memorial will be available on the Memorial website at: or by emailing: